Our first lot of blank t-shirts just arrived!
We ordered a variety of colours plus the classic black and white, it will be interesting to see which colours will be more popular and which designs.
We're happy with the quality, they’re made of a very soft cotton, pleasant to wear and they fit well.
Finally everything is coming together, we are ready with a new logo, with the packaging and the designs, now all we have to do is starting the production in our workshop in Surry Hills.
It took quite a long time and efforts to start this new adventure considering that our background is in interior design and not in fashion but it is also very exciting to create a new product from scratch and putting it on the market.
We hope the t-shirts will have the same success then the wall stickers and to be able to expand our line in the near future.Check our blog again soon, the t-shirts will be online and ready to ship very soon!